Just simple: doing something for the good, without the pressure of earning money…
I did a lot of voluntering work in the past. For me it gave the most satisfaction.
My expression to exchange skills, knowledge, time and attention.
I love doing things for a good cause.
Here some of my choices for charity:

Walking Is The Best Medicine
Supporting a platform to reduce stigma on mental health problems and increase awareness for that topic, depression, addiction, negative thinking and other problems. To help people who don’t know where to start in life to put that first step. Mark shares his experience in life and with walking with #WITBM on www.walkingisthebestmedicine.life.

Against (roadside) littering I collect dirt from the street and out of nature. Just because I can. Just because it doesn’t belong there. Just to give a good exemple. Just because I want to.
I give you the link to a (Flemish) website: www.mooimakers.be or simply become a ‘Mooimaker’ yourself by doing that one small act with a big result!

Other projects
Sienrisefoody, Sienrisereality,…
Enjoy the little things, joyspotting…
Cardgames, cimacanasta,…
Tinyhousing, less is more…
Blog, poetry,…
On my own website www.cindyvansteelandt.be I selected some of my own projects.